

hello hello. now i'm searching for a new school hmm. i confuse to choose a senior high school. tomorrow is the premiere of eclipse wooohoooo. i've been waiting for a long time~ haha. but i'm not sure that eclipse will be playing tomorrow because a new film come to Indonesia is very late hahaha. maybe in july eclipse will be playing in indonesia hmmm. oh yaa, boys before flower such a korean drama, is playing in TV again hahha. and everyday i watched it. okay enough for today. bye!


World Cup 2010

haloooo. udah lama banget gue gak posting nih. masa ya waktu itu bokap gua nanya alamat semua email, twitter, sama blog gua. nah lo gua kan takut ya entar di pantau, jadi kalo email sm twitter gua kasih tuh tapi kalo blog NO! hahaha. oh iya sekarang itu udah bulan Juni dan tanggal 11 juni - 11 juli itu world cup 2010 at Republic South Africa. pastinya gua nonton dong dan dukung SPAIN and ITALY.wooohoooo! dukungan gua mah pasti menang deh hahaha